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International ­Baccalaureate

The Diploma Programme core focusses on you!

The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through inter-cultural understanding and respect.

The International Baccalaureate is taught in more than 150 countries and more than 3 000 schools worldwide. The Diploma Programme is now offered for students aged 16-19 years at Rudbeckgymnasiet, Örebro.

What makes the Diploma Programme so beneficial?

  • Join a class of internationally minded students.
  • Recognised worldwide both by Universities and employers.
  • English both inside and outside the classroom as a shared means of communication.
  • External examinations ensure quality and fairness.

Our Diploma Programme excels in preparing our students for further academic study at a University level. The majority of our students continue to further university studies here or abroad.

The extended essay asks students to engage in independent research through an in-depth study of a question and present an essay on completion.

Theory of knowledge develops a clear approach to learning that unifies the academic disciplines through philosophy and psychology studies.

Creativity, activity, service (CAS) involves our students in a range of activities alongside their academic studies throughout the Diploma Programme. Creativity encourages students to engage in the arts and creative thinking. Activity seeks to develop a healthy lifestyle through physical activity. Service with the community offers a vehicle for new learning with academic value. The three strands of CAS enhance students’ personal and interpersonal development through experiential learning and enable journeys of self-discovery.

Students with an I.B. Diploma can apply to universities in Sweden or all over the world!

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The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme

Information for Applicants with Foreign Educational Attainment

Please find below more information regarding our Admissions Policy and processes here at Rudbecksgymnasiet for applications for direct entry into the IB Programme.

An application form is also required to activate this process here at our school. This is done by providing the information asked for in the document 'IB Admissions Application Form' and sending it to our Admissions Officer.

Year 1

We call this our Pre-Diploma Programme year (PDP). It means that we offer a range of subjects in the Swedish curriculum to prepare our students for the two-year Diploma Programme.

The International Curriculum

The IB Diploma Programme commences in year 2 and is completed with examinations at the end of year 3.

IB Diploma Programme students must choose one subject from each of the six Groups (1 to 6), ensuring breadth of knowledge and understanding in their best language, additional language(s), the social sciences, the experimental sciences and mathematics. These subjects are studied at a higher level or standard level.

Students select six subjects in total as seen below

(3 subjects at a standard level and 3 subjects at a higher level:
Group 1 – Studies in Language & Literature
Group 2 – Language Acquisition (second language)
Group 3 – Individuals & Society
Group 4 – Sciences
Group 5 – Mathematics
Group 6 – Make another selection from Groups 1–4

All Diploma students will study Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS), Theory of Knowledge (TOK) and write an Extended Essay.

After graduation

  • University studies in Sweden
  • Internationally recognised University qualifications
  • Employment abroad

During your studies

  • International Exchange visits
  • Study a class with a diverse range of international backgrounds

Post - University

  • A broad international focus of studies increases your opportunities in both employment and education


På Rudbecksgymnasiet arbetar vi systematiskt med att följa upp, utvärdera och förbättra kvalitén på våra utbildningar. Resultat, analys och beslut om utvecklingsområden redovisar vi varje år i en kvalitetsrapport för respektive program.

Do you want to know more? Contact Us!

Contact IB


Rules titles



Anne-Sophie Skalin

DP Coordinator

070-545 30 77

070-350 01 91


Simon Ekdahl


019-21 12 73


Anne-Sophie Skalin

Education and Career Advisor

070-545 30 77

070-350 01 91


Daniel Broadley

Admission Officer


Gymnasieantagningen i Örebro län sköter antagningen till årskurs 1 för alla kommunala och fristående gymnasieskolor i länet. De har information om behörigheter, hur du räknar ut ditt meritvärde och hur ansökan går till. På deras webbplats hittar du även antagningsstatistik där du kan se vilket meritvärde den som fick sista platsen på ett program hade.

Senast uppdaterad:


Kontakta Rudbecksgymnasiet

Kontakta Örebro kommuns servicecenter

Telefon: 019-21 10 00 

Öppettider: Måndag–fredag kl. 8–16.30

Besöksadress: Näbbtorgsgatan 10

Öppettider: Måndag–fredag kl. 10–16

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